Category: Sculpture Park
Step by step towards a sculpture park.

First sculpture delivered
With the biggest luggage ever, I travelled from London to my Borderland. The sculpture, Junctions III, very well wrapped thanks to Boxes & Bubble in Fulham, survived the bumpy ride! Now I have built a base for it … It took some time, I had forgotten a lot about how to work with concrete. How important it is with reinforcement, and of course wrapping it all to keep the humidity while the concrete is burning…
The sculpture park – Borderland
I’m building my own sculpture park. Yes I am. I’m going to build it by the river Ljungan, on the riverside. From a distance, in London, I’m making my plans. Making sculpture maquettes at Morley College.
Look at my plan below

The beginning
I can actually create my own sculpture park! I realised that when I talked to a friend about my text Eight reasons to stop creating – one for not doing so. I have a small piece of land in the north of Sweden. It’s a fantastic place, close to civilisation but it seems like wilderness. It’s just by a river and surrounded by forest and steeps. 2000 there was a flooding that changed the landscape drastically. Before my land had a real house with a garden. The current took that piece of land and left the house dangling in the air before it fell down to the riverbank. There is also a very old birch on the land, the flooding made the soil so filled with water so the roots of the birch lost it’s grip and the birch fell into the river. After the flooding the soil dried and the the roots got a new grip. Slowly the birch rose again. There are still a lot of remains on the ground: bricks, concrete platforms …
There, I’m going to build a sculpture park. Right now I call it Borderland – Borderline. Because that’s what it is.

Onwards and upwards
Onwards and upwards. Sculpture maquette, clay and plaster. By Anna-Lena Ekenryd 2016.